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Marketers/Social Media Managers

Follow, promote, paid to post, and more...

What it is: Our company has a private database of influencers that we reach out to when our clients want to share the love. The list is also completely private and only available to Rachel | Media team members who sign NDAs on all internal resources. Basically, we don't share or sell your contact ever; we just let you know about an influencer opp, and you get to choose if we made a good fit or not!

Why it helps: You've built or are building a great following of people who trust you and love you, and we have exciting content that they may love too. Why not connect so we can bring them this good stuff together? ​

How it works: Our influencer reward system is on a tiered offering. We also consider your followers as all platforms available for posting about our clients. Here's the general breakdown as a starting point (if you have media packet specs, feel free to link to those in the submission message box. We're happy to tailor offers as relevant to our clients' budget and your impact! For a sample of the IG terms:

Under 1k on your largest platform: free digital goods/cross-post on the client's various platforms.

1k-3500 largest platform: the above plus $50 for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

3500-5k largest platform: free digital or tangible goods, cross-post on the client's channel as relevant, and $75 for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

5k-10k largest platform: free digital or tangible goods, cross-post on the client's channel as relevant, and $100 for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

10k+ on largest platform: your media packet terms {or} free digital or tangible goods, cross-post on the client's channel as relevant, and $200 starting fee for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

*All in-grid posts and stories must meet specified client and quality guidelines. These terms are established on Instagram qualifications and adjusted for equivalence across platforms.

influencer sign-up


Select your interests/brand themes!

 Success! Can't wait to connect. 


Follow, promote, paid to post, and more...

What it is: Our company has a private database of influencers that we reach out to when our clients want to share the love. The list is also completely private and only available to Rachel | Media team members who sign NDAs on all internal resources. Basically, we don't share or sell your contact ever; we just let you know about an influencer opp, and you get to choose if we made a good fit or not!

Why it helps: You've built or are building a great following of people who trust you and love you, and we have exciting content that they may love too. Why not connect so we can bring them this good stuff together? ​

How it works: Our influencer reward system is on a tiered offering. We also consider your followers as all platforms available for posting about our clients. Here's the general breakdown as a starting point (if you have media packet specs, feel free to link to those in the submission message box. We're happy to tailor offers as relevant to our clients' budget and your impact! For a sample of the IG terms:

Under 1k on your largest platform: free digital goods/cross-post on the client's various platforms.

1k-3500 largest platform: the above plus $50 for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

3500-5k largest platform: free digital or tangible goods, cross-post on the client's channel as relevant, and $75 for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

5k-10k largest platform: free digital or tangible goods, cross-post on the client's channel as relevant, and $100 for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

10k+ on largest platform: your media packet terms {or} free digital or tangible goods, cross-post on the client's channel as relevant, and $200 starting fee for one in-grid post and two stories plus cross-post on other platforms.*

*All in-grid posts and stories must meet specified client and quality guidelines. These terms are established on Instagram qualifications and adjusted for equivalence across platforms.

marketer sign-up


Select your interests/brand themes!

 Success! Can't wait to connect. 

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